We have successfully implemented the first step of a series of key activities within the Key Strategy Priority "Finance" , a full revenue and price optimization phase is in place. With the extensive Know How and expertise of Hoteliers Inspiration, our S&M team managed to go through all the obstacles and set up a strong foundation for our revenue business analysis.
The workshop in Hotel Process Optimization was the very first step to understand all the fundamentals concepts of the project and lay down Key metrics needed for a full and successful implementation and follow up.
We are in a great position now to keep developing the company's medium and long term business plan. We thank Sergio and his team for such an accomplishment.
Once again thank you very much Mr. Foti for taking your time for us and to making this workshop very educational.
Predavanje g. Fotija, v katerem nam je predstavil nov pogled na optimizacijo procesov v hotelu je bilo izredno zanimivo in poučno.
Izpostavil je strateške prioritete, ki morajo biti pomembne vodstvu hotela, ki so naslednje: people, guest experience, social responsibility, budgeting and forecasting. Pod vsako prioriteto je bilo predstavljeno tudi par nasvetov za izboljšanje “optimizacijo” vsake prioritete. Izpostavil bi tudi USALI, ki predstavlja celovit pristop k oceni hotelskega poslovanja, ki ga bom poskušal uvesti v poslovanje našega hotela. Vse predavanje je bilo podprto tudi s praktičnimi primeri, kar nam je pomagalo razumeti teoretične razlage predstavljene pred tem.
Zahvala g. Fotiju za zanimivo predavanje, ki nam bo definitivno pomagalo pri nadaljnjem delu v stroki.
Companies are already introducing a Management performance review system, which focuses on the employee's contribution to the company and his opportunities for advancement, and consequently increases his loyalty to the company. We take care of the guest's experience at every step before, during and after their stay, and by checking satisfaction we receive very useful information about our work. Of course, no company is created without long-term and short-term planning, because the success of the business is based on the planned plan and last year's business results. Optimizing planning and understanding the obtained results with the help of performance indicators are key.
The accountability workshops conducted for our key employees resulted in a clear understanding of what accountability means to our organization. Commitments were made and documented for taking measurable actions to improve overall business performance.
Seeing our issues clearly – ‘Owning them’- Coming up with solutions – and agreeing on actions to put in place was a great interactive, worthwhile, experience helping us to shape Union’s Hotel Group future.
Thanks to Sergio Foti and Cees WM Nieboer who conducted these workshops on behalf of Hoteliers Inspiration!
Hoteliers Inspiration Revenue Management process has proven to be highly efficient, our management team went through all the learning process including development and implementation of a Management Control System and revenue & cost process optimization. The implementation of USALI and a P&L income statement was the foundation and cornstone of all management activities.
During our contract with Hoteliers Inspiration, Boka Hotel was able to over perform and increase all key metrics such as RevPar, GOPAR (Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room) and GOP.
The S&M digital program was also crucial in the success of the revenue maximization program. A well structured PR and marketing campaign was in line with KPIs that we all set and agreed for the year 2020, all despite the major challenges experienced through the pandemic.
The Mentee program was a huge success and extremely beneficial for the the participants as well as for the company and individual Hotels.
Not only did it show them how to create, envision and execute a project on high international and professional level, but through your help they were able to realized their development needs and to work on their weaknesses (and fine tune their strength). Apart of the overall assignment and objectives each of them had the chance to improve their presentation, leadership and managerial skills, as well as time keeping, focus, self motivation, etc.
I thinking setting an objective based on international best practices and follow it through with personal guidance, adjusted to local needs and circumstances, showed great results.
Na drugom danu Adria Hotel Foruma, dao se naglasak na inovacije u turističkom prostornom uređenju, održivosti kao mogućem brandu i izazovu isporuke kvalitetne usluge. Treći panel “Inovacije u internim procesima” ugostio je gospodina Sergia Fotia.
Isporuka kvalitetne usluge jest jedan od glavnih izazova s kojima se menadžeri u sektoru ugostiteljstva susreću obzirom da je to osnovni uvjet za uspjeh na konkurentnom globalnom ugostiteljskom tržištu. Gospodin Foti s preko 20 godina iskustva rada u hotelskoj industriji je dao značajan doprinos diskusiji u kojima je sudjelovao i gospodin Bernard Vincent D’souza iz Valamar Hotels & Resorts, gospođa Jasmina Sočković iz Pilgrima te dr. Lyn Glanz, predavač na Glion Institute of Higher Education. Upravo je iskustvo gospodina Fotia u području edukacije, razvoja proizvoda i operativnog konzaltinga pomoglo u stvaranju zaključaka na kraju diskusije. Segio se složio s ostalim panelistima da su najznačajniji faktori za budućnost hotela kontinuirani napredak u pružanju kvalitete kroz stalno zapošljavanje, redovito usavršavanje, osnaživanje kvalitete osoblja, sustavno vrednovanje i provođenje kvalitetne akreditacije putem raznih planova i programa.
Being the Director of Luxury Division for one of the Leading Hotel Companies in Croatia and Managing our three top properties, including a 5 Star Design Hotel and a Leading Hotel of the World, I can say that the cooperation with Sergio and “Hoteliers Inspiration” really helped us to make the next step. Having taken part on many Performance Management Assessment during my career with International Chains, Sergio helped us and was instrumental in implementing these International Standards within our company.
It is always one thing to know what the right thing to do would be, but another to have the time, energy and resources to implement new initiatives and standards. Sergio assisted to set-up the entire standard for Performance Assessments and carried out the first round of interviews and reviews with our Management team himself. Having an outsider often helps to either open your eyes or to confirm that your feeling was right as well as sets new benchmarks to challenge yourself. It was great working with Sergio and even if sometimes tough for the team to face the truth, I think everybody of the Management team agrees that it was very beneficial. We will continue the process, Sergio started and implement it as best practice.Hotel Inspiration was also extremely helpful in showing the team what the goals and demands for a successful individual and team within the hospitality industry in the 21st century should be. It is always helpful to have an outsider assist in giving an objective review, who has the knowledge of the industry but is not involved in your day to day operation and the emotional dynamics team work creates.
First of all I would like to thank you, once again, for your visit and all your efforts to present yourself to our company. We find you, as a person, very communicative, straight forward, full of product knowledge and very positive.
As you and me had several discussion on your training modules, at the moment we might be considering “Train the trainer” module for few key people in our organization. Let’s keep in touch and see what future brings for bought sides.
Dear Sergio, thank you very, very much for this Friday’s workshop! It was wonderful working with you, since you have taken the time to listen and find out where our weaknesses are. You have adapted your workshop to our needs and I appreciate it very much.
I have the feeling now, that my employees finally understand the difference between service and hospitality. I am also sure, that everyone felt, that the service should be up-graded nowadays, so you only had to put into words, something we knew was there – invaluable experience for all of us.
Thanks again! I hope we will work together in the future!
P.S.: my staff is talking about your lecture all week long, they were all impressed and want to receive the promised ppt presentation. Imagine how motivated they have become. Fantastic job !